Tuesday, March 20, 2012

K-State Songs and NCAA Regulations | Must Read!

I was informed tonight by the K-State Athletic Dept. that I cannot sell or profit from my songs "It's A Purple Thang" or "Wildcat Grill." Each song lyric contains names of student athletes and certain "terms" in the lyrics are owned by Kansas State University and not used by permission. "NCAA Bylaw, which does not allow for references to the University’s student-athletes for commercial gain. Using their names could result in eligibility issues for the athletes involved. I want to state publicly that I have not profited from or plan to profit from either song in anyway. They have been given away for free with no ad revenue. Also in the future if I write a "K-State" song I will not use student athletes names so as not to cause any problems what-so-ever. I'm asking my fans to not post either song on YouTube so as to stay away from breaking any laws or NCAA regs. Love writing tunes, playin' and singin'! EMAW Dave

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

NCAA March Madness Kansas State Style

Well here we go again! This song is to get us ready for the Big Dance. Mens and Womens programs are heading for the NCAA Tournament. If you're a Kansas State Basketball Fan you've gotta check this tune out. Special appearances by Deb Patterson and Frank Martin. Listen close. If you can't download from SoundCloud you can download from here. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12714256/PurpleThang.mp3 Right click and choose "Save Target As"